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DIY Cactus Print

DIY Cactus Print

Today I’m sharing a super simple and fun DIY cactus poster to add a little bit of quirky fun to your walls.

cactus print

I struggle with committing to put anything on my walls. And I mean that. I think I have actually only hung up 3 things in our home so far. Nail holes scare me, especially if it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to!

And then there’s the whole decision of what to hang on the walls. For some reason or another that I can’t explain, I’m just not into hanging family pictures on the wall. I don’t mind it in other people’s homes, I just haven’t done it in ours. Then I go out and look at all the pictures you can buy in stores, and none of those really speak to me either. There’s a saying I would never say (except I really do like this one a lot – and it’s totally me) or a landscape painting of somewhere I’ve never been. So I never pull the trigger and buy anything.

Something I do like the idea of is ordering wallpaper samples and framing them. It’s inexpensive, you can switch them out regularly and it doesn’t feel like so much of a commitment. With that idea in mind, I decided to make my own pattern quickly with supplies I already had on hand.

DIY Cactus Poster

  • Picture Frame
  • Poster board
  • Scissors
  • Marker
  • Colored pencils

Easy peasy.

Step 1: Cut your poster board to size.

I just traced the back of my picture frame and cut down my poster board to size.

Step 2: Create stencil.

I used the leftover poster board to draw and cut out my cactus stencil.I just free handed it real quick. Don’t feel bad if you have to try drawing one a few different times. The first couple I attempted looked nothing like cactuses (cacti?), ha!

Step 3: Trace your stencil in desired pattern.

I traced the stencil on a random spot on the poster, then worked my way diagonally from there until I filled up the page. This is the type of fun project where there’s beauty in imperfection, so no measuring needed. I just shaded in a few of the cactuses with a green colored pencil to add a little more interest – then ta-da! All done!

cactus print living

Currently it’s living on this shelf that I got from Ross (which might be the best kept secret ever) with one of my favorite finds ever, that old check printer. As you can see, I still haven’t addressed my fear of commitment when it comes to hanging things on the wall!

Edited to add:

If you’re nervous about hanging things on your walls, check out these recent posts.

Since creating this DIY cactus poster and writing this post I’ve gotten much more brave when it comes to hanging things on the wall. If you’re still feeling stuck, check out these posts!


Sarah S.

Thursday 28th of July 2016

I love this, Kala! You are so creative! And I completely understand the hanging phobia. Our new house saw with empty walls for far too long because I just didn't know what I wanted to do!!


Tuesday 2nd of August 2016

I know! Then I go to someone's house that looks all cute and get frustrated with myself for doing nothing! Some day...maybe. Still not committing...


Thursday 28th of July 2016

Cute! I was wondering how you made that but kept forgetting to ask!