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Meet Kala

I’m Kala, blogger and owner of The Breezy Room LLC. I started this blog in 2012 fresh out of college with the naive idea I’d blog all about decorating my bedroom (in a shared apartment) since I finally had a full time gig that would provide me the means to decorate. Little did I know, you can only blog about one room for so long and I had no idea how to decorate.

Through the years I’ve used this space to share my personal life, before and after painting projects, some failed DIYs (even if I didn’t know it at the time), and developed my always-evolving design sense along the way. We’ve come a long way since 2012!

I’m now a mom of two rambunctious kids living in a 1964 ranch that I’m slowly remodeling. I’m obsessed with plants, queens, butterflies and have learned to decorate in a way that I love even if it’s not everyone’s favorite. Minimalism has become such an important part of our story and now I love showing others how they can make the best of their living situation and create a home they love by choosing to live with less.

So welcome to my blog and my home! I am so happy to have you here and hope you’ll find something worth sticking around for!

Feel free to contact me about anything at [email protected]. :)

You can also learn all about raising butterflies, nature and gardening on my other website at

Read my full disclosure.