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Welcome to the world of minimalism. It is truly the most freeing thing I have done for my home and my life. It’s true that physical space creates mental space I’m so excited to help you get there and make the most of your home with less!

Decorating a small living room can be challenging yet rewarding. With limited space, every design choice matters, and creating a functional yet stylish environment is essential. Here are ten practical tips to help you maximize your small living room’s potential. *This post includes images created by AI. All images are created and prompted by me …

Read More about 10 Tips for Decorating a Small Living Room

Today I’m going to talk about some changes we’ve recently made in our household to be more eco friendly and reduce waste. If you’re interested in learning how to live more sustainably, read on to find out how we do it. This post contain affiliate links, which help me support this site at no extra …

Read More about Changes We’ve Made to Live More Sustainably

If you’re interested in a simpler life, you’ll likely need to address some of the ways you think about your stuff. It’s important to understand how and why you continue to accumulate it. In this post, I’ll tell you the main minimalist mindset changes I’ve made and why you might need to make them too.  …

Read More about Minimalist Mindset: Change your mind to change your life