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3 Ways You Need To Update Your Fall Home Decor

3 Ways You Need To Update Your Fall Home Decor

Fall is the perfect time of year to finish up summer projects and get things cozy and ready for the holidays and colder months that follow. It’s also an excuse to grab a few new things for your home decorating! I can’t resist walking through a HomeGoods or Target and at least grabbing a couple items to spruce things up for a new season! Here are 3 ways you need to update your fall home decor. 

3 ways you need to update your home -- Follow these three steps to create a cozy fall home that transitions into your winter haven! Modern fall decorating. Fall and winter decorating | My Breezy Room

Do a little fall cleaning.

Sometimes I question why people attempt spring cleaning instead of fall cleaning. In the spring you’re excited for the nicer weather and want to be outside. In the fall, you’re preparing to spend the next 4 months in your home to escape the cold, so it makes more sense to me that this would be the perfect time to declutter again. Here are some areas of your home you can clean out this fall:

  • Closets – Get rid of, sell or donate and pack away any clothes that are have holes, are too small or don’t fit your style anymore. If you have kids take the time to pack away the clothes you want to keep and get rid of the ones you didn’t love. No sense in storing them all for the next kid who also won’t wear them.
  • Bathroom drawers
  • Garage – Pack away all your summer gear and get rid of extra stuff you don’t need to be storing anymore)
  • Kitchen cabinets – I’m tired of rummaging through a bunch of pots and pans I’ve never used to get to the few that I do. I’m planning to donate a lot of the duplicates I have and pans I never need. If I run into an occasion that I need something I don’t have in the future, I’ll borrow one from a friend or purchase it when I need it. I don’t need 5 cupcake pans just in case I decide to make 50 cupcakes for a birthday party in 5 years.
  • ALL decor you don’t LOVE – sell it on swap shops, a garage sale or donate it. But don’t hold onto to something that doesn’t fit your style anymore! Empty space is better than a space filled with things you “sort of like.”

I’ve been working on minimizing for a while – so as you may be able to tell from my list, I’m working on getting rid of the things I think I “need” and freeing up storage.

Make your home a place you want to spend the cold months. Trying introducing a new fall color!

A while back I passed up a pink mid century bench at Homegoods that would have been perfect in my living room window. Most of the time I forget about the things I pass up, but I’ve got some serious regret about this one. Then I was wandering the aisles of Homegoods again a few weeks ago checking out their fall stuff when I came across the perfect pink pillow. I instantly decided that pink would be my fall color. It was a little strange for me because I’ve never really been drawn to pink before. It just seems a little overdone. But I love the idea of softening the black and white look with some pops of pink.

And while pink doesn’t seem like much of a fall color, it can totally work. I’m sticking to more muted tones and loving the vibe it’s giving off. When you’re introducing a new seasonal color, you don’t have to go all out. I’m just adding a few things like painted pumpkins, a pillow, a blanket, and a vase. You can do the same thing with any color. If you like how it looks, you can totally pull it off.

The point is, put some effort into making your home your favorite place to be now so you love how it looks while your hunkered down all winter. Experiment and don’t be afraid to take some chances! (I always preach that there is no shame in taking advantage of a return policy if something doesn’t work out!)

Add more natural and heavy textures to cozy up your home a bit.

I can’t talk about making your home better without mentioning adding texture. Hopefully you have a lot of texture in your home year round. Things like plants, baskets, pillows, blankets, wood tones all help make your home more welcoming and keep your style from looking flat. In the fall and winter, you can add even more texture to keep things cozy.

In my kitchen I switched out a smooth planter for a wool table runner and a woven basket. Some other ways to add heavier texture are with fur pillows, baskets, adding more wood (think dough bowls), tweed throws… Just like with adding color, you don’t have to make a ton of changes. Just switching out 2 or 3 things makes a big difference.

Bonus: Start decorating with greenery.

Fall is the perfect time to start bringing some greenery into your home. Make a wreath out of sticks and eucalyptus. Add some dried greenery to your shelves and vases. This is a great way to transition into holiday decorating slowly!

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Check out my fall home tour to see how I updated my home for fall!

Modern Fall Home Tour 2017: KC home decorated for fall. How to use pink for fall.


Modern Fall Decor Ideas To Make the Most of the Season - My Breezy Room

Monday 2nd of October 2023

[…] there are many ways to celebrate the fall season in your home and on your porch. Much of the décor can be personalized for your preferred style and […]